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Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Why I Love Animal Crossing (265 Hours of Gameplay)

Why I Love Animal Crossing

265 hours of gameplay is 11 full days...erm, I think it's time to admit I have an issue. 

But who doesn't love cute little animals with their own personalities and a game that gives you daily tasks to complete? Animal Crossing has well and truly taken over my lockdown life, and to be honest THANK GOD I had something to do with the hours I spent playing the game because I've been off work 5 months now (I know... long time) and I was starting to go insane! 

I had been debating getting a switch since the game came out, but it took me till lockdown to get one, and even then I went for the least expensive option because Switched don't run cheap! I opted for the SwitchLite in Grey, and it does the job, although I do wish I had just took the plunge and bought the original switch as I would have loved to connect to my TV and played on a bigger screen with all the hours I've put in. 

The biggest reason I love AC and why I purchased it in the first place is that it's sooo good for my mental health, If i've had a crap day I can always turn on the game and be filled with pretty things and Animals that actually relay on me to play and do daily tasks, plus there's a great online community for this game so It's an amazing way to connect with others. I've made a few friends on AC twitter which has been great, it means I can travel to their island when i'm super bored and trade items with them too. Plus with Miss Rona, we're all kind of in the same boat so we're all feeling the same type of way, it just gives you a lovely sense of community. 

With the latest updates to the game such as Dream Suite I've been really enjoying visiting themed islands, my favourites include spooky themed islands and I even visited an asylum themed island which was honestly really creepy! It had Raymond walking around in his little lab coat looking all suspicious.

Why I Love Animal Crossing

Another aspect of the game I've been loving is the ability to create bomb outfits. Not even just with the standard items in game but using creative codes too. I have an amazing Brewster dress that I've put on a mannequin outside of a coffee shop on my island to make it look like Brewster is serving up some great coffee (because I really miss him... if you played New Leaf, you know!). 

I think the main reason why I've ended up with so many hours is thanks to terraforming, a new aspect of AC that I think really changed the whole aspect of the game. I've actually flattened my island twice and had so many island maps and set ups I probably couldn't even count! 

My favourite villager at the moment has to be Pekoe, she's a cute little cub with a 'normal' personality type. she was one of my first three villagers, so while her house exterior is gorge, the inside has all the wooden furniture which makes me so so sad! Once I've been given her villager picture I think I'll be asking her to leave my island, but I really want her back at some point, plus that way I can get her back with all her cute stuff. 

Do you play AC? How many hours have you ranked up? 

Megan x

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