Over the last year Depop has become one of my favourite shopping destinations. If you didn't already know, Depop is an app that you can use to buy and sell clothes, worn or brand new. I started using the app last year before interning in London to make a few extra coins, plus when packing I realised I was leaving more than half of my wardrobe at home, meaning I either don't want the clothes anymore due to style change or they were uncomfortable to wear, so I set up a depop and got selling!
I've heard a lot of people say that they like the idea of Depop but can never find anything that they want. To be honest I can scroll on Depop for hours and that's how I end up finding a lot of gems, you've just got to know what to look for in terms of key words and what to spot on someones profile to indicate if they're going to have anything you might want.
I'd start using Depop by filling in your own size and favourite categories this way the 'for you' section is way more reliable, anything you like and buy will also contribute to what Depop suggests you purchase.
When searching for items I always search brand, size, type of item. For example, 'Asos, size 16, dress' this way you have a few key words in the search bar meaning depop can bring up more items. I also like to search the brand and filter options for size etc using the little setting tool when the search loads this way you can search every Asos item (for example) thats in your size no matter what type of product it is.
When you find a few items you like, make sure you actually do 'like' them. This way you can see if someone else buys them, if they go on sale or if the user decides to take the item off Depop. I try to use the like page to my advantage by viewing the profiles of the users who i've liked a post by, seeing if they've uploaded anything else I might like or if they have 'liked' something that I might also be interested in, chances are if they're selling clothes in your size they're going to be trying to find clothes in your size too. Take advantage of the like section!
The major advantage of shopping second hand on an app like Depop is that you have access to up to date second hand, in brands that you know will fit you. As someone who is 'average' size (16/18) shopping second hand in a charity shop is near impossible because A LOT of the clothes are not my size, this gives us girls who are a little bigger options to shop more sustainable, while having vintage and older pieces to access like a traditional second hand shop, Depop offers the fast fashion second hand too!
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