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Wednesday, 29 January 2020

Book Review: Everything I Know About Love by Dolly Alderton

"When it comes to the trials and triumphs of becoming an adult, journalist and former Sunday Times columnist Dolly Alderton has seen and tried it all. In her memoir, she vividly recounts falling in love, finding a job, getting drunk, getting dumped, realizing that Ivan from the corner shop might just be the only reliable man in her life, and that absolutely no one can ever compare to her best girlfriends. Everything I Know About Love is about bad dates, good friends and—above all else— realizing that you are enough.

Glittering with wit and insight, heart and humor, Dolly Alderton’s unforgettable debut weaves together personal stories, satirical observations, a series of lists, recipes, and other vignettes that will strike a chord of recognition with women of every age—making you want to pick up the phone and tell your best friends all about it. Like Bridget Jones’ Diary but all true, Everything I Know About Love is about the struggles of early adulthood in all its terrifying and hopeful uncertainty."

This book truly changed my life. This was one of the two books I read in 2019 (I did try to read more but it just didn't happen), but oh my god I am so glad that I picked this one up!

I kept seeing this book all over Instagram, seeing everyone talk about how amazing it was made me follow Dolly on twitter, and I found her instantly hilarious so I thought y'know what, I'm going to pick up a book for the first time in forever and it's going to be hers.

You really get to walk through her life with her, making you feel you were right there with her at the Rod Stewart themed house parties. This book really resonated with me, the process of growing up, feeling a bit lost but always knowing you have other women to lean on. 

One of my favourite lines from this book that will always stick with me is "Is this all life is? Tottenham Court Road and ordering shit off Amazon?". 

My Rating: ★★★★

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